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How to use Wise charging or Optimized night charging

Update Time: 2024-05-31 18:35:12

To protect the battery life, the smart service function will intelligently control the charging speed according to your charging habits, and keep the battery level around 80% until the phone detects that you need a full charge, and then quickly fill up the remaining 20% of the battery.

1. Optimized night charging (for night)

Charge to 80% while sleeping at night and stop charging, and expect to be charged to 100% when you wake up in the morning.


Settings > Search“Optimized night charging”in the search bar > Optimized night charging.

Supported version:

realme UI 4.0 and above version

optimized night charging

Note: The Optimized night charging will be upgraded to Wise charging with the version update.

2. Wise charging (for all day)

Our wise charging feature will automatically adjust the charging speed and level to decelerate battery aging according to your usage habits. When you have scenarios where you charge for a long time, such as working or sleeping, we will pause the charging when the battery reaches 80%, and then quickly fill up to 100% before you expect to unplug the charger.

 (For example: If you are a taxi driver (or an office worker) who likes to keep the charger plugged in while working, we will limit the charging to 80% during your working hours, and then resume charging to 100% before you finish work.)


realme UI 5.0: Settings > Battery > Battery Health > Wise/Smart charging. 

phone wise charging

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