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Phone hangs when swiping on app interface

Update Time: 2024-12-04 10:00


1. When multiple programs are running in the background, the processor resources will be continuously occupied. It results in lagging.

2. Insufficient phone storage may cause some apps that occupy a large amount of storage. It results in hanging or lagging when swiping on the app interface.

3. If you have enabled the smart switching of the screen refresh rate, the phone may switch to the normal refresh rate due to low battery power, which may cause you to feel the phone is not smooth when swiping the screen.

4. The phone system version is outdated.


1. Clean up the background programs and turn off unused system settings. Such as games, video apps, personal hotspots, GPS, etc.

2. Clear the phone storage space in time.

realme UIs: Settings > Search " Storage " in the search bar > Storage

Please click Clean on the Storage page and select unnecessary data to clean. It is recommended that you keep at least 20% of the storage available.

3. Please ensure sufficient power or go to "Settings > Display & Brightness > Screen refresh rate", and choose a high refresh rate for use.

4. Check and upgrade the system to the latest version. The new version can achieve a better user experience and system performance.

If the above methods do not solve your problem, please back up your data in advance and go to the nearest realme Service Center with your purchase certificate for testing.

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