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How to connect the Soundbar to the realme Smart TV?

Update Time: 2022-11-22 16:03:59

Connect the Soundbar via Bluetooth

Step 1: Turn on the TV and soundbar
Step 2: Switch the mode of the Soundbar to Bluetooth mode

Step 3: Select Settings-> Remote & Accessories-> Add Accessory

Step 4: Select the soundbar and connect 

Connect the Soundbar via HDMI port

Note: Both the TV and soundbar need to support HDMI ARC when connecting via the HDMI cable

Step 1: Connect the TV to the Soundbar via HDMI cable.

Step 2: Turn on the TV and Soundbar
Step 3: Switch the mode of the Soundbar to ARC mode

Step 4: Turn on the HDMI control in the CEC function.

Step 5: Set the Digital output mode of the TV, select "Auto"

Step 6: It is recommended to turn off the speaker of the TV which reduces the impact of the TV on the soundbar during use.

Connect the Soundbar via an Optical or Coaxial port

Step 1: Connect the TV to the Soundbar via the Optical or Coaxial port

Step 2: Turn on the TV and soundbar
Step 3: Switch the mode of the Soundbar to Optical or Coaxial mode

Step 4: Set the Digital output mode of the TV, select the "PCM"

Step 5: It is recommended to turn off the speaker of the TV which reduces the impact of the TV on the soundbar during use.

Connect the Soundbar via the Aux port

Step 1: Connect the TV to the Soundbar via the Aux port 

Step 2: Turn on the TV and soundbar
Step 3: Switch the mode of the Soundbar to Aux mode

Step 4: Set the Digital output mode of the TV, select the "PCM"

Step 5:  It is recommended to turn off the speaker of the TV which reduces the impact of the TV on the soundbar during use.


Related article: 

 How to connect realme TV with bluetooth device?

 How to change digital output on TV?

How to turn on or turn off TV's speaker?

 How does the realme Smart TV turn on the CEC function?

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