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How to turn on or turn off TV's speaker?

Update Time: 2023-03-15 10:47:16

1. Function introduction

Turn the internal speakers on or off

  • On: Using the audio output from the unit's speakers

  • OFF: Do not use the unit's speakers

 The difference between Remote MUTE and the TV "speakers" function.

  • Remote mute key: mute sound, includes TV speakers and external audio device.

  • TV "speakers" function: only applies to TV speakers.

When TV connects to the Amplifier, we suggest you turn off the speaker to avoid interference. 

2. Operation and methods

Android 9 TV

Such as realme Smart TV Full HD 80cm(32" ) (Black), realme Smart TV 108cm (43" ), realme Smart TV 80cm (32" )

In fact, Android 9 TV doesn't have the function to turn on/off the speakers. If you need to connect the external audio device to the TV and turn off the TV's speaker to make sure the sound is from the external audio device. You can change the Speakers settings to external Audio Speaker. 

Path: Settings > Device Preferences > Sound > Speakers > External Audio Speaker

Android 10 TV

Such as realme Smart TV 4K 126cm(50"), realme Smart TV 4K 108cm(43"), realme Smart TV SLED 4K 139cm (55")

Path: Press Menu button > More > Sound > Speakers

Android 11 TV

Such as realme Smart TV X Full HD 100cm (40" ), realme Smart TV X Full HD 108cm (43" )

Path: Settings > Device Preferences > Sound > Speakers


It isn't applicable to the realme Smart TV Neo 32" due to the system differences. 

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