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Wi-Fi signal is unstable and auto disconnecting

Update Time: 2024-12-31 17:00:39

Problem Phenomenon:

An unstable Wi-Fi signal occurs when the phone and Wi-Fi locations remain constant, but the connection signal fluctuates between being good and bad, and may even auto-disconnect at times. 


1. The environment where the Wi-Fi is located has strong interference

2. The phone is far from the router and the Wi-Fi signal is poor

3. Abnormal router

4. The system is abnormal when the phone runs for a long time


1. If there are many obstacles between the phone and the router or high-power devices such as microwave ovens, the Wi-Fi signal may be interfered. Please use Wi-Fi away from interference.

2. Please be close to the router to ensure that the connection between the phone and the Wi-Fi signal is good. If the distance is too far, the connection will be unstable.

3. If the Wi-Fi connection signal is good at a fixed location, but suddenly becomes poor or disconnected, the router may be abnormal. It is recommended that you reset the router and try again.

4. If you are connected to any Wi-Fi, this phenomenon occurs. It is recommended that you update the system to the latest version, and then reset the wireless system settings before use.


realme UI 3.0 & above versions: Settings > Search "Reset" in the settings > Select "Reset Phone" > Reset network settings.

realme UI 2.0: Settings > Additional Settings > Backup & reset > Erase all Data > Reset Network settings only.  

realme UI R & Go & S & T & U Edition: Settings > System > Reset options > Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth.

If the above methods do not solve your problem, please back up your data and go to the nearest realme customer service center for testing.

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