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Why can't I pair realme Smart Cam 360°?

Update Time: 2024-02-27 14:59:37

1. It is recommended to set the Wi-Fi network name to numbers or English letters.

2. Please check whether the Wi-Fi network password is correct and the Wi-Fi network can access the Internet.

3. When the Wi-Fi network is hidden, realme Smart Cam 360° cannot search for the network. It is recommended to connect to the Wi-Fi network whose name can be searched.

4. realme Smart Cam 360° does not support connecting to the Wi-Fi network of the 5G frequency band, please check whether the Wi-Fi network frequency band is selected correctly.

5. It is recommended to press and hold the reset button at the bottom of the device to restore the device to factory settings and enter the configuration mode.

If the above solutions cannot solve your problem, it is recommended that you bring the realme Smart Cam 360° to the nearest realme service center for testing.

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