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The actual charging time is longer than the advertising time

Update Time: 2023-07-27 16:18:33

The time it takes to charge to 100% in the promotion is the test data in the laboratory when the phone does not heat up at room temperature and the screen is on standby. It is the fastest charging speed that the phone can achieve. When you use your phone to charge, the background of the apps, WiFi, Bluetooth and other functions will consume a part of the power, which will cause the charging to be slightly slower. If there are apps with high power consumption, the charging will be significantly slower. For example, watching videos and playing games during charging will cause the charging to slow down and heat up.

Common scenarios where phone charging is slow are:1. If the room temperature is too high or too low, in order to protect the battery, the phone will reduce the charging current according to the detected ambient temperature.

2. While playing and charging, part of the power is used, so the charging becomes slower.

3. After playing games or watching videos, the phone is hot. If you charge it at this time, the charging speed will auto decrease to prevent the phone from overheating.

4. The phone is charged after cloning the phone. Because there are a large number of apps updated in the background and the sorting of pictures after cloning. The charging of the phone is prone to problems such as slow charging, draining battery fast, or heating. Generally, it will return to normal on the second day.

5. Some users put their phones on the bed to charge. It will cause the heat of the phone to not be released quickly, and the charging will slow down after the temperature of the phone rises.

6. If the user uses a non-original charger or charging cable, the phone can be crashed, and the charging speed will slow down.

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