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Wireless Bluetooth earphone still connected with the phone after it is placed in the charging case

Update Time: 2025-02-24 16:10:35

Please follow the steps below to troubleshoot:

1. Confirm that the charging box is fully charged.

If the charging case is low on power, the earphones will not be disconnected from the phone when placed in the charging case.

2. Check whether the inside of the earphones and charging box are clean.

If there is dirt or foreign objects attached to the charging interface, the earphones will not be disconnected from the phone after they are placed in the charging case. (If there is any stain, use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to wipe the contact position clean)

3. If the charging compartment has a protective cover, please check whether the lower protective cover has a magnetic suction closure that affects the cover.

4. You can try to reset the wireless earphone. (Long press the earphone pairing button for 10s)

If the above methods do not solve your problem, please bring your purchase certificate to the realme service center for testing.

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