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realme Book how to use internet by Network cable?

Update Time: 2024-02-01 11:04:04

1. Connect the network cable to the docking station with RJ45 port and then connect the USB port of the docking station to the USB-A (USB 3.1 Gen 1)/USB-C (Thunderbolt 4/USB 3.2 Gen 2) port of the computer

2. Click the network icon and select "Network & Internet Settings"

(Note: The docking station needs to be purchased by yourself)

use internet by network cable

3. Click "Dial-up > Set Up New Connection", select "Connect to the Internet" and click "Next"

set up new connection

connect to the internet

4. Click "Broadband (PPPoE)", then follow the prompts to enter your network account and password and other information and click "Connect"

(1) If the computer prompts "Windows did not detect any network hardware", please check "Show connection options that this computer is not set up to use", which will automatically bring out the two connection methods of broadband and dial-up

(2) Most of the current networks use broadband (PPPoE) wired dial-up Internet access. If your network uses a dial-up modem or ISDN connection (please consult the network provider for details), please click "Dial-up" to connect to the network and follow the prompts to operate

choose a connection option

connect to the internet

5. The computer will automatically verify the network and connect and finally display "You are connected to the Internet"

browse the internet now

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