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Why the watch cannot be bound to the realme Link APP

Update Time: 2024-12-03 09:54:12

*Before binding or connecting to the phone, please download realme Link app in the Play Store and use realme Link to scan the QR on the watch.

Please follow the below-mentioned troubleshooting steps to resolve your problem:

1. Please restart the watch. Power off it > Long press the side button for 3 seconds to power it on.

2. Please keep the watch close to the mobile device to proceed with the pair.

3. Please keep the Bluetooth of the mobile device on during pairing.

4. Please restart the Bluetooth of the mobile device if fail to pair.

5. Please download the realme Link before starting pairing. It's recommended that you search "realme Link" on the Google Play store.

6. If the phone system is too old, please upgrade it in Settings>About device > Up to date.

7. Allow realme Link to use phone camera to scan the QR code. Setting path:

    realme UI 3.0 & above versions: Settings > Apps > App management > realme Link > Permissions > Camera > Allow only while using the app

    realme UI 2.0: Settings > App management > App list >realme Link > Permissions > Camera > Allow

    realme UI 1.0: Settings > App management > App list >realme Link > Permissions > Camera > Allow

8. Please select the correct watch in realme Link.

9. If this watch is not bound to other mobile phones, please make sure that the area selected in the realme link is consistent with the actual city area.

10. If the watch is not bound to other mobile phones, please restart the watch before binding.

11. If the watch has been bound to another mobile phone, it needs to be unbound and unpaired in the Bluetooth list of the mobile phone.

12. Scan the QR code to bind and prompt "device is connected", you need to reset the watch and cancel the Bluetooth pairing, and scan the code again; scan the code to bind and prompt "cannot connect temporarily", indicating that the watch has been connected to a nearby mobile phone. You'll need to go to an open place or a place more than 10 meters away from the current area to scan the code to bind again.

We hope this will help you. If the issue persists we recommend you contact the realme Service Centre for further inspection. 

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