How to add other screen-off gestures

Update Time: 2024-09-23 10:16:57

After adding other gestures and functions in the settings, start the corresponding functions through gestures when the screen is off.

Setting method

realme UI 3.0 & above versions: Settings > System settings > Gestures & motions > Screen-off gestures > Add gesture, select the gesture, and then select the corresponding function to complete the addition.

realme UI 2.0 & 1.0: Settings > Convenience tools > Gestures & motions Screen-off gestures > Add gesture, select the gesture, and then select the corresponding function to complete the addition.

realme UI U edition: Settings > Smart control > Screen off gestures > select the corresponding gesture

realme R & Go & S & T Edition: Not supported

how to add other screen-off gestures

Delete method

After adding a screen-off gesture, the added gesture will be displayed in More screen-off gestures, enter to modify or delete the gesture.

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