How to set definition and frame rate for screen recording

Update Time: 2024-12-27 16:32:55

Before recording the screen, you can adjust the screen recording specifications according to your needs. The higher the picture definition and frame rate, the higher the picture quality, clarity, and smoothness of the screen recording, and the greater the storage space occupied by the screen recording is. On the contrary, if you choose a lower specification of the picture definition, the quality of the screen recording will be reduced, but it will take up less storage space. It can record for a longer time, and reduce the pressure of post-editing.

The realme UI definition has three gears and a custom resolution and bitrate. You can set it according to the actual situation, and you can also choose the frame rate of the video by yourself.

Setting method:

realme UI 6.0:  Settings > Accessibility & convenience > Screen recording > Definition/Frame Rate

realme UI 5.0 & 4.0: Settings > System/Additional settings > Screen recording > Definition/Frame Rate

realme UI 2.0: Settings > Convenience tools > Screen recording > Video resolution/Frame Rate

realme UI 1.0: Settings > Additional settings > Screen recording > Video resolution

realme UI R & Go & S & T & U edition: not support


1. The maximum resolution and supported frame rate of different models may not be exactly the same.

2. Dimensity processor models do not support 60 frames, and realme UI 1.0 does not support setting the recording frame rate.

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