How to block the Ads in your realme Device

Update Time: 2024-12-27 16:42:56

Problem Phenomenon:

How to Disable ads in the realme phone. (Approaches to disable ads)


You may disable the ads with the below steps:

realme UI 4.0 & 3.0 & 2.0 & 1.0: Settings > Additional/System Settings > Get Recommendations > Click to Disable.

realme UI R & T & S & Go Edition: Settings > search Personalized news in the Search bar > click Personalized news > Disable.

realme UI 6.0 & 5.0: Not supported


Sometimes, the advertisements you see may be caused by some third-party apps or website caches stored in the browsers. And not by the device’s built-in advertisements if the advertisements show up through browsers. Please clear the entire browsing history (from the beginning) and block ads in Google Chrome by following these steps:

Google Chrome

Step 1: Click on Chrome > Click on the Three Dots at the right top side > Settings > Privacy & Security > Clear Browsing Data.

Step 2: Chrome > Settings > Site settings > Ads > Disable Ads.


Internet Browser

Step 1: Click on Internet > Click on the three lines below Settings Clear data Choose History Clear.

Step 2: Internet > Click on the three lines below Settings > Ad Blocking Turn on Ad Blocking.


Software update:

Please update your system version to try. 

realme UI 3.0 & above versions: Settings > About device. Click Up to date/realme UI on the top to check for updates. If there is the latest version, you can download and update it.

realme UI 1.0 & 2.0: Settings > Software update.

realme R & S & T & Go Edition: Settings > System > System update.

Note: For any inside third-Party App Ads, please check the settings of the particular app or contact the App Developer for the ads to be removed. If you can not confirm that the ads issue is with the third party then we can suggest factory data reset the device once after taking proper backup.

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